Our community is important to us and we are proud of it. You can find Eastside Fitness involved in many events and initiatives:
- Sponsoring local sports teams such as South Vancouver Little League
- Board members for our Business Improvement Area; Sunset on Fraser BIA
- Donating to local fundraisers for elementary schools and highschools; Sir Alexander Mackenzie, Brock, VanHorne, McBride, John Oliver, Tupper
- Free yoga and fitness classes alongside our regular drop in classes
- Involved in South Hill Festival Days
- Keep Vancouver Spectacular
- Neighbourhood Craft and Art Shows
- Chester’s Field Community Garden

“I am very impressed with Eastside's unwavering commitment and contagious enthusiasm for community involvement. From giant hopscotch at the SH Festival, a booth at car free days on Main St, free running and cycling clubs, keeping us informed of neighbourhood happenings with their bulletin board and up-to-date Facebook page to instructing our local women's fitcamp in a nearby church basement so we can have simultaneous childcare; Eastside is a real benefit to the community. Not to mention, they're helping us get (and stay) in shape!"
“The South Hill Business Association (South Hill BIA) was very pleased when Eastside Fitness opened their studio on Fraser Street. Eastside Fitness filled the need for yoga and exercise classes in the area. The BIA is also very happy that the owners of the studio actively participate in the BIA’s activities and volunteer their time. They are role models for other business owners within the South Hill BIA.”
“I am very impressed with Eastside's unwavering commitment and contagious enthusiasm for community involvement. From giant hopscotch at the SH Festival, a booth at car free days on Main St, free running and cycling clubs, keeping us informed of neighbourhood happenings with their bulletin board and up-to-date Facebook page to instructing our local women's fitcamp in a nearby church basement so we can have simultaneous childcare; Eastside is a real benefit to the community. Not to mention, they're helping us get (and stay) in shape!"
“The South Hill Business Association (South Hill BIA) was very pleased when Eastside Fitness opened their studio on Fraser Street. Eastside Fitness filled the need for yoga and exercise classes in the area. The BIA is also very happy that the owners of the studio actively participate in the BIA’s activities and volunteer their time. They are role models for other business owners within the South Hill BIA.”